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This DLC has expired on 01/01/1970. If you hold a DLC until expiry, the DLC will be settled at its fair intrinsic value determined on Valuation Date, which is usually one business day before Expiry Date.

You can check the final settlement value and date of the DLC here.

Expiry settlement will be made no later than 5 business days after Expiry Date. Societe Generale does not charge any expiry processing fee. You may refer to the Termsheet and Supplementary Listing Document for the exact dates and other details. For expiry settlement illustration please refer to here for more detail.
This DLC is at a low value. As the value of a DLC gets smaller, the minimum bid/ask spread will become larger in percentage, which increases the trading costs for investors. In the case where the theoretical bid is below SGD 0.001, the issuer will not be able to provide both bid and offer. Please refer to here for more detail.
Last Price
0 (0.00%)
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Underlying Price
  • -
  • 0 (0.00%)
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Underlying Day0 Day1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5 Day6 Day7 Day8 Day9 Day10 Day11
Daily return (%)  
Value at the end of the day 0.00
Cumulative return
Daily Leverage Certificate Day0 Day1 Day2 Day3 Day4 Day5 Day6 Day7 Day8 Day9 Day10 Day11
Daily return (%)  
Cost and Fee  
Price at the end of the day 0.000
Cumulative return
The information on this page is for illustrative purposes only, and is not indicative of future performance. Such information does not constitute or form part of any offer, or invitation, to subscribe for or to sell, or solicitation of any offer to subscribe for or to purchase, the Daily Leverage Certificates at the price shown. Nothing herein should be considered as investment or financial advice or any form of recommendation to purchase or sell the Daily Leverage Certificates shown.

The prices generated by this price matrix are hypothetical simulations based on market data, working assumptions and pricing models based on publicly available data and subject to certain inherent limitations. The price matrix will show how the price of a Daily Leverage Certificate will change with the daily return of the underlying asset. The parameters used may not be the same as those used by Societe Generale to make markets in the Daily Leverage Certificates. Societe Generale does not represent or warrant that these scenarios accurately reflect real life conditions, whether now or in the future.

The values of the Daily Leverage Certificates after the Air Bag has been triggered cannot be determined by this simulator and therefore should not be construed as an indicative price quotation for the Daily Leverage Certificates.

The price matrix does not take into account the potential adjustment on the underlying reference close the day before the underlying ex-dividend day and therefore should not be construed as an indicative price quotation for the Daily Leverage Certificates.

The price matrix does not take into account any costs and fees incurred for holding the Daily Leverage Certificates overnight and therefore should not be construed as an indicative price quotation for the Daily Leverage Certificates. The costs and fees might change between the time an investor buys the product and the time he/she sells the product.

The price of Daily Leverage Certificates and/or the underlying asset may fall in value as rapidly as it may rise and holders may sustain a total loss of their investment. Investments in the Daily Leverage Certificates carry risks. Investors should therefore ensure that they understand the nature of the Daily Leverage Certificates and carefully study the risk factors set out in the Base Listing Document and the relevant Supplemental Listing Documents, and where necessary, seek professional advice before investors invest in the Daily Leverage Certificates.

No responsibility or liability is accepted by Societe Generale or members of the Societe Generale group for any inaccuracies, omissions, mistakes or errors of Societe Generale or for any economic or other loss which may be directly or indirectly sustained by any broker or holder of the Daily Leverage Certificates or any other person dealing with the Daily Leverage Certificates as a result of reliance upon the simulator. Any broker, holder or other person dealing with the Daily Leverage Certificates does so therefore in full knowledge of this disclaimer and can place no reliance whatsoever on Societe Generale.

Returns are calculated for illustrative purposes only, and may vary due to rounding effect.